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History. LuangPorKlry

Birth date of 27 March 2419 is the son of Mr. Aintrs she hung colored jasper
Ordination to the color of the water (water pavilion) measured at 10 days July purple palace in 2439.
Die 5th December 2513 at 23:05 am The
95 years grace and 74 year old.

Sacred object to be popular.
Like your father has built a very sacred object it several generations. Both types of meat powder royal coin royal powder form as the ancient sculpture. And as a pump. The first sacred object created when the Year is $ 2,498 and votive tablet Somdet A sacred object and their popularity is special. $ First. Cast as a stern and ancient industry.

Tells the legendary Buddha's grace.
Sacred object, you kind distinguished by the great popularity.

