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And this time keep little tidbits. Subject to deposit coins to see the offline.
This credit must be raised to a Web site amulets. That have captured enough.

We keep the deposit but has adapted. And the language simpler.
Problems due to fear or license I copied offline.

But because it is common knowledge that his or Sian his favorite.
Will need to know basis. Immunity to self and
I see that there is benefit to Web psychic friends.
Is my girlfriend, leading deposit
(I do not know me will completely offline. Because I did not have much knowledge or Sian).

1. Coin swelling or unnatural twisting before it shall be deemed spurious.
Except for the raised coin from the original mold itself.

2. Coin inlay frame is difficult to see the sheep should not worship the rent.
Unless viewed sheep rent. Because of the inlay frame. Camouflage the defects.
To see whether real or spurious edges that are not visible, such as coins, we will not see and so on.

3. See if the wrong type or not, and many more defects.
If the wrong type or no blame or below the critical Deni should not end there.
Of course bogus.

4. Third, if the type is displayed as the genuine or bogus computer
Bogus computer is to use a computer simulation of the real
I can like a lot of coins like the first version. Luang Pho Daeng. Wat Khao Bandai.
Sian bogus made eye back. Must be very careful. Computer bogus coins.

5. To identify bogus coins from the surface computer is more dollars.
The computer is bogus coins surface tension is not smooth.
Have blamed the meat over the coin is always true.
And see the metal used to make coins black minister gild
That the equation of old age or coins.

6. Medals worn. To feel the raised portion of the coin only.
The surface of the deep end or coins must be clear

7. Coins are worried about access. Weld must be older. Equation over the coin

8. Incision coins without the edge or joint filings.
It is not pumping dollars. Unless the pump to force the edge coin coin
Although cut pumps at the edge dollars.
It may also be spurious coin computer time.

